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Ritter Sport Kokos Chocolate – The taste which allures



As you could see on the picture in the previous article, I had a hard decision – which chocolate taste the first.

Finally, i chose The Ritter Sport Coconut chocolate, the first of the family Ritter which attracted my attention, and from which I will start to write my impressions. The most I liked her sky-blue  bagging, that reminds me of the sea and warmer regions.


What Ritter says about this chocolate?

The Ritter Sport Coconut chocolate was made of Alpine milk, filled with a milky filling which contains a lots crispy coconut flakes.



What I say about the chocolate?

The Ritter Sport Coconut chocolate is the compound quality milk chocolate with a milky filling, which is enriched with tiny pieces of coconuts.

Crispy stucture and extremely rich taste fascinated me after the firts cubes. Little pieces of coconuts are released when the chocolate melts in your mouth and gives this chocolate unique taste.

For lovers coconuts this is real treat, and I’m sure although cocount isn’t on the list of your favourite ingredients, this chocolate won’t leave you indifferent.


I recommend chocolate with…

If you want to sweeten your morning, surely I recommend this chocolate with the first morning coffee. I enjoyed its taste and pleasant smell which reminds me of the exotic places.


Where you can buy The Ritter Sport Coconut chocolate?

This chocolate isn’t easy find in supermarkets in Serbia. Only few big supermarkets have The Ritter Sport chocolate in their offer.

Their price is about 140 dinars, and it is a little above average prices of chocolate, but their quality justify it.

If you weren’t lucky and couldn’t find chocolate in ours supermarkets, you always can order them online. My recommendation and place where you can find them is website This website has a huge choice of The Ritter Sport chocolate, and you can decide for taste which you prefer.


At the end..

In the next article I will write about The Ritter Sport Marzipan chocolate.


See our Article Overview


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