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Smooth and gentle legs with Nivea Sanfte Rasur razor



The summer has already arrived, but a lot of women have the same problem, how to keep smooth and care legs. I tried all types of waxing, but during the summer I am constrained to use the oldest type, and it is shawing the legs with the classic razor. My confidence goes to Gillete razors, with them you can’t fail.

However, this summer I decided to try others, and first I bought Balea razor and I can say that is the worst thing I have ever tried. It made wounds on my legs, I don’t know why, was the blade less sharp or something else, but for sure I won’t ever buy it again. Even immediately after shawing my legs weren’t smooth.




The next thing I tried were Nivea Sanfte Rasur razors for legs. With them the situation was totaly different. After shawing razor leaves the legs smooth and gentle. The razor has movable wrist with five blades which is adjusted to contours of a woman’s body. Nivea pads contains special ingredient of Nivea’s cream witch produces sliding layer on skin, so shawing is really gentle and comfortable.

Also advantage of these razors is that you can easily replace the blade. After shawing there is no redness on the skin, either pricking.




If I must say one defect of these razors, I’ll say that they aren’t in the fact customized for waxing bikini zone and intimate regions. In this way I prefere smaller razors.

If you decide to try Nivea Sanfte Rasur razors, they are available in Dm and Rossmann drugstores, and the price is about 6 Euros.


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