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Recipe for Yellow Fingers – Zucchini in Corn Flour

Yellow fingers are nothing but Zuchhini breaded in cornmeal with some Vegeta.

I invented the recipe as an alternative for snacks, so I do not always eat chips in the evening.

The corn flour, but especially the Vegeta give the yellow fingers a very spicy taste and are a bit lighter than chips.

Of course, the whole is also suitable as a main meal with feta cheese, for example. or as a side dish to meat.

In addition, the preparation is really easy.



  • Sunflower Oil
  • Paprica
  • Corn Flour
  • Wheat Flour
  • Vegeta
  • Two Eggs
  • One peeled Zucchini cut in half and then in slices

The preparation is simple:

1. Prepare everything for breading (give Vegeta in the cornmeal and the wheat flour)
2. Bread the zucchini
3. Roast the breaded zucchini in sunflower oil
4. Serve pure or with a little chili sauce

The recipe in detail

Preparation for the breading


1. Eggs: Put the 2 eggs in a plate and scramble them good

2. Corn Flower:
2.1 put the corn flower in an extra plate
2.2 add some paprika
2.3 and add 1/3 spoon of Vegeta
2.4 mix it very good

3. Wheat Flower:
3.1 put 3 spoons of flower in a 3rd plate
3.2 add 1/3 spoon of Vegeta
3.3 mix it


4. Prepare: now put all plates in such a row so you can put the zucchini first in the flower, then in the eggs then in the corn flower and then on the empty plate.

The breading


1. Wheat Flower: put it in the flower till it is covered on both sides.

2. Eggs: enter it then in the eggs so it is covered on both sides. Use a fork, chop sticks or your hands.

3. Corn Flower: put it now in the corn flower, so it is covered with it on both sides.

4. Plate: put it on the empty plate and you are finished.


Fry it


1. Sunflower Oil: put the oil in a pan and heat it up till it is steams a little.

2. Zucchini: put the zucchini in the pan. Be careful of the oil!

3. Fry: fry them 2 minutes on one side.

4. Turn: turn them and fry them on the other side ca. 2 minutes.

5. Plate: when they are golden and crispy, put them on a plate with a towel or a grid so that the oil can drain.


Serve it and enjoy


1. Pure: serve them pure as a dish to meat or as a main dish with feta cheese. Or as an evening snack. They are better than chips. 😉
2. Yellow Fingers: put Ajvar, or ketchup or like in the picture sweet Asia chili sauce on the top and arrange them as a hand. Children (and adults) will love them.




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