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FAPPiT UP – How to peel a Mango.

In this review, I will shortly describe how to cut a mango easily and quickly.

What annoys me about the mango is that it is always slippery after peeling and cutting is then annoying. But I do not eat mango so often that I would buy a Mango Max (see the link below).

So now I have my own ultimate technique.

The trick is to cut the mango like a honeydew Cantaloupe-Melon.

This means

  1. Do not peel mango, but cut it in 4 large pieces around the nuclear. This keeps the mango always in your hand and it does not slip. First cut the big sides with the skin, then the little ones on the side.
  2. Now chop the big pieces into 3 small slices. So at the end you will have 8 small slices (similar to a honeydew melon).
  3. Now it’s super easy J Put the knife between the mango and the skin and cut it just like a melon. With a little down pressure on the knife to separate the skin from the mango. CAUTION! WATCH THE FINGERS!!!!


1)  Cut the Mango First




2) Peel the Mango then


In Detail




That’s it. The mango is cut, not slipped and it is not all full with mango juice.

P.S. if you need large pieces, of course, the method is not suitable. But you can change it. Do not slice the big pieces, but turn them over and cut a small crack in the middle. Then just peel it from the crack. Also works very easy.

The same principle works with pears, apples, etc.

Link to the Mango Max:


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