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FAPPiT UP – Make a realy good mokka coffee

In this article I will describe shortly how to make Mokka. In a nutshell.

But if you want to celebrate Mokka, have a look at the following article. Here I go to all the steps that makes the Mokka drink with joyous to a treat.

According to the Serbian motto that you are only ready for marriage when you can cook a good Mokka, let us start.

Short overview how to prepare Mokka:

  1. Put water in an iron jug (Djezva)
  2. Add sugar at taste
  3. Boil water with sugar at high heat
  4. Remove water from the heat and add Mokka powder and stir it well
  5. Heat the Mokka until it lathers up
  6. Pour Mokka into a cup

 I am just describing the making for one cup of Mokka.



To 1 – Water in an iron jug

In principle, every smaller iron vessel is suitable. But it is best to take a small pot or a Mokka pot made of copper. But it is not necessary. As you can see in the picture, I also take a simple iron jug.

If you want to make only one cup, then fill the pot about halfway (the Mokka is very strong and a half cup is enough).

For two cups make the jug full and so on.



To 2 – Add sugar to taste

Now add sugar to the cold water, depending on how sweet you like it.

  • 0 teaspoons (tsp) sugar = very bitter
  • ½ tsp sugar = bitter (standard)
  • 1 tsp sugar = sweet
  • > 1.5, TL = very sweet

ATTENTION: Since the Mokka coffee grounds with in the cup, to sweet it after it’s finished is difficult. So you have to determine the sweetness in this first step.

If you have guests who like different sweets, then you have to cook two pots 🙂




To 3 – Boil water with sugar at high heat

Place the water on the stove (the fire place) and bring the water to boil. The important thing is that the water should not only cook (steam rise) but should bubble properly.

When the water is boiling, the sugar is also dissolved in the water.



To 4 – Remove water from the heat and add Mokka powder

When the water boils, remove it from the heat and set it down.

ATTENTION: the jug is very hot. It is best to take it with a kitchen towel from the stove and possibly not directly put it on the plate.

Now you add the Mokka powder to the hot water. Depending on the desired intensity you add as many teaspoons you want and stir it good.

  • small tsp. moka powder = weak
  • two teaspoons of Mokka powder (or well heaped tsp – see picture) = standard
  • > two teaspoons of Mokka powder = strong

I have taken a well piled tsp. here (more like two tsp.).

Now stir well until the Mokka is well distributed. If you do not stir good enough, it can remain lumpy and it may not cook up so well.



To 5- Mokka until it lathers up

 That’s the crucial phase!!!

ATTENTION: it is important that you take the cup in one hand and the jug with the Mokka in the other hand. Because the Mokka overflows from a certain point and then you have to be ready to refill the Mokka into the cup. If you miss that, the Mokka will spill over and you have to clean everything.

So put the Mokka back on the hot plate and wait for it to start spilling over. You will be able to hear how the powder is dissolving in the water due to the heat.


To 6 – Pour Mokka into the cup

And suddenly the Mokka starts to rise in the jug. Then you fill it directly into the cup.

My own tip!! I would not pour everything into the cup, but repeat the process several times.

This dissolves the powder better and it remains less in the pot over. In particular, when the jug is full of water, the boiling point is reached quickly, the Mokka foams over and the Mokka is not perfectly dissolved.

It is always advisable to drain and reheat it some times.








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