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Digital Dating – Meet new singles and flirt with space4share and


Digitization helps us today throughout life. So it can also make life easier for us during flirting. Not that we misunderstood us here. The tools do not give 100% success guarantee or make somebody who uses the tools to a player.

Space4share and offer the solution to a big problem when two strangers want to get to know each other. MISSING CONFIDENCE.

As a man who appeals to hit on a woman you have the problem, that even if you appeal to someone, you do not get the phone number. Even as a woman you do not want to give a stranger immediately your personal data.

(PS the article is of course also valid when hitting from woman to man, man to man, woman to woman, transgender to …) But to keep the article easy, we will write only from the perspective of a man hitting on a woman and hope that it also helps in other constellations.)

In the absence of trust and space4share do help! But how? In order to understand this you have to understand what the tools do. is a video chat platform, with which you can video chat WIHTOUT REGISTRATION and WITHOUT DATA.

  • The connection is a random URL / link
  • Both require a laptop or mobile phone with a camera, a browser like Chrome or Firefox and Internet.
  • You create a link, exchange the link and then you can meet and get to know each other.

This makes it clear why it is suitable for the first contact. Because as a woman you can easily meet via the link without having to be afraid that you are stalked personally or by phone. The users can remain absolute anoym until both have sufficient confidence.

Espessacila for a man it has some advantages. The excuse “I do not give you my number”, does no longer apply. Why would you say no to a meeting as a women, if it is not threat anymore and is also no effort and no risk anymore (except the woman really does not want – then you should accept and leave). And even if the woman does not appear, it is not bad either, because you are at home in front of the computer and not somewhere in the cold while waiting.

So check for But why do I need works great, but it creates a cryptic link like

How should you remember this? Si do you still need the number? No!

Cause you have With you can easily share files and text without changing your registration and data.

So as a man do the following:

  1. Suggest that you meet via and emphasize
    1. that it is not dangerous
    2. If you meet and it is not OK, you can just leave the link and then never see each other again
    3. and that nothing can happen
  2. Then agree on a time for the meeting
    1. Because if you are at 5pm on the link and she at 6pm it does not work
  3. Open chat
    1. click on „Enable permanent link“ >> So you can often meet the link and write to each other
    2. Set the date and timing!
    3. Open the barcode and take a screenshot (there is the link and the time)
  4. Now go to com and open a room like “nata“
    1. Upload the photo with the time
    2. or paste the link into the text box
  5. Now she goes to the link
    1. and she can download the photo
    2. or copy the link
  6. At the appointed time, go to and open the QR code and click on „Read QRCode“
    1. Now hold the image in front of the QR code in front of your camera

And tadaaaa, you have a virtual date in the video chat thanks to and without giving personal data away. Have fun exploring 😉


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