SPAM von: Katia
Betreff: Hello!!!
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Feedback: FAPPiT DOWN
Grad: Unglaublich
Grund: SPAM E-Mail
Kommentar: “SPAM E-Mail zum Kennenlernen”
Hi, how`s your day?Hope you are great., My name is Ekaterina or Katya. I am 27 years old, I am from Russia, I Will tell you little about me now, I am single and look for relationships and love. And that is why I am writing you this message,:) I am single and I never been married, I work in medicine, My job is very responsible and I really love my profession, I love my healt and lead a healthy lifestyle, And often I do sports, I`ll be very glad if you will reply me and write more about your personality, Hope to get message from you soon Have a nice day
Faithfully yours,Ecaterina;